日本財団 図書館


(4)In the case of terrestrial aerodromes and terrestrial heliports, runways, taxiways, and aprons thereof should have adequate strength to withstand the amount of aircraft traffic projected for these facilities.
(5)In the case of terrestrial aerodromes and terrestrial heliports, runways and taxiways should have adequate lateral separation to ensure the safety of aircraft moving thereon, and an appropriate orientation and configuration at the intersections.
(5-2)In the case of terrestrial aerodromes and terrestrial heliports, each
edge of the runway and taxiway, and the apron edge, should be provided with shoulders that have an appropriate width, strength and surface.
(5-3)A terrestrial heliport should, except where it is acknowledged that there are particular extenuating factors, provide runway, landing area and taxiway in compliance with the criteria listed in the following Table.




(5-4)Terrestrial heliports and aquatic heliports should have such a favorable geographical location as to provide emergency landing space that will not endanger people or objects on the ground or on the water when helicopters in flight encounter power-failure on departure routes or approach routes or within the traffic pattern of the heliport concerned.
(5-5)A terrestrial heliport established on a structure should provide the following additional facilities:
a)Safety devices to prevent the helicopter derailing from the heliport pad;
b)Facilities to confine any spillage of flammable liquids within the landing area.
(6)An aquatic aerodrome should provide an appropriate landing area, circling water area, and water taxiway satisfying the criteria prescribed in the





